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Pest Prevention Practices at Food Processing Facilities: Prevention is better than cure, it goes for effective pest management treatments too and at any food processing, storage and distribution units, pest preventive and proofing measures reduces dependence on pesticides. Lone dependence of pesticides not only increases adaptability by pests but also temporary when integrated approach of pest proofing, preventive and curative measures are adopted.

Major pest preventive measures which give very effective results are:

  1. Pest entry points around pipes, foundations, roof & wall joints etc should be sealed.
  2. Avoid vegetation around facility to prevent harboring of pests.
  3. Ensure effective waste disposal systems as garbage attract all type of pests.
  4. Ensure removal of unwanted materials inside the facility to prevent breeding of pests.
  5. Installation of lights away from building and usage of sodium vapor lights to avoid light attracting insects.
  6. Install double door system or door closure at entry and exit points.
  7. Effective screening of all incoming materials to prevent cross infestation.
  8. Maintain 18 inch gap along the inner wall to carry out effective pest management treatment.
  9. Prevent water stagnation points around facility to prevent breeding of flies and mosquitoes.
  10. Conduct periodical pest preventive assessment in and around facility to take required actions.

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