Residences and offices are the places where maximum time were spend and household pest finds it ideal place for breeding and harborage, major pest being rodent, cockroach, mosquitoes and termite, which cause substantial collateral damage, if not controlled effectively. Vector borne diseases get easily transmitted due to proximity of family members at residences and office goers working together congregating from different locations. Cockroach, rodents and termites infestation often go unnoticed till it reach critical limits while mosquitoes are detected and immediately as it enters inside. Mosquitoes spread vector borne diseases like dengue, malaria, chikungunya which are life taking diseases; termites cause huge structural damages and cockroach and rodents spread stomach diseases due to spread of several bacteria and viruses.
Disinfestation Specialist ensures complete pest disinfestation by combining preventive actions like inspection and recommendation of exclusion techniques and curative treatments by combination of spraying of pesticides emulsion, usage of repellents and traps by ensuring minimum occupational safety hazards with maximum effectiveness.
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